Underwriting Services RFP Package & Dates
Please Note: Proposal deadline has been pushed to December 2, 2022 (3:00pm)
Issuance of RFP October 28, 2022
RFP Question Deadline November 4, 2022 (3:00pm)
RFP Question Response November 10, 2022
Proposal Due By December 2, 2022 (3:00 pm)
Anticipated Selection (no earlier than) December 30, 2022

Question: 1. Certain questions, such as Qualifications Question 3, request an appendix be submitted with our response. Please confirm that appendices should be submitted as separate attachments in the attachment upload portal? 2. Certain questions, such as Performance Question 1, call for a list or are best answered in table format which the portal field does not accommodate or would significantly impact the character limit. For questions such as these, should responses be submitted through a separate attachment or through an alternative submission method? Or is DASNY expecting all questions such as these to be submitted in a narrative format?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Appendix C Questions 1 and 2 ask for a list of transactions— could we upload an attachment to help answer these questions?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Are Appendix C Question 2, 3, and 4 intended to address only State-supported debt, or should we also consider DASNY’s private clients as well?

Answer: Address any transaction for which your firm has served in DASNY’s underwriting syndicate.

Question: Are we able to provide a link to the legal proceedings in the financial statements for Question B5?

Answer: Yes. Please include link embedded in a PDF in Attachment 3.

Question: Can the proposing firm submit a separate attachment as an appendix to its response, including exhibits (e.g., deal lists and resumes) for responses to questions that need to be submitted in the DASNY RFP Portal? If so, would those count towards the character limits for those particular questions?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Can we include our response to B3 as an attachment in addition to the affirmative Action policies requested in Attachment 2?

Answer: Please submit your response to B.3 in narrative form in the DASNY Portal. include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Can we submit additional attachments to supplement our responses or are we constrained to attachments 1 and 2?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Can we submit our response to question B5 as an additional attachment?

Answer: Please submit your response to B.5 in narrative form in the DASNY Portal. Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Do we use the “Attachments” section in the Portal to upload the requested appendices that are not part of Attachments 1 and 2?

Answer: Yes, include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: For Appendix B Question 2, can we submit the resumes of all pertinent staff as a separate attachment?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: For Appendix C Question 1: This question asks to “limit your response to three examples,” is this limitation regarding the information we provide for sub-questions (a-f)? Or should we provide the information asked for in (a-f) for our firm’s entire experience with “Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, or other comparable financing programs in other jurisdictions in the last three years”? Further, if this question is asking for our Firm to provide the information listed in (a-f) for our entire experience with “Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, or other comparable financing programs in other jurisdictions in the last three years,” can we submit a table including this information as a separate attachment so as to not count towards the character limit?

Answer: Select three transactions your firm would like to highlight and provide the requested information for only those three transactions.

Question: Hello. We would like to apply for the Co-Manager Position. However, if we are not selected as Co-manager would we automatically be considered for the Selling Group Member Position or would we have to apply for both? Thank you for your time.

Answer: Please apply for all roles in which your firm is interested in serving. You may apply for more than one position.

Question: If we need to provide a disclaimer, can we upload as an attachment?

Answer: Yes. Please include disclaimer in Attachment 3.

Question: In the DASNY RFP Portal, we see that each question has a text field for responses as unformatted text. Are respondents able to also submit tables and graphs in the form of pictures to questions? If so, how should those be submitted? Can respondents also provide a compiled PDF of responses to questions using preferred format and include tables and graphs as pictures (while adhering to the each question’s respective character limitations for text)?

Answer: Please provide all responses in the appropriate fields of the DASNY Portal. Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Please confirm that the following information can be provided as attachments given the format of the RFP portal: 1)Appendix B Question 2 – Team Resumes 2)Appendix C Question 1 – Deal List 3)Appendix C Question 2 – Summary of sales performance and secondary market trading

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.

Question: Where do we upload tables and graphics that will be relevant when responding to certain questions?

Answer: Include all other non-narrative items (resumes, tables, charts, graphs, graphics, lists etc.) not requested in Attachments 1 and 2 in one PDF file and upload as Attachment 3. Please label all items in Attachment 3 sequentially as referenced in your narrative response e.g., Table 1, Chart 2 etc. Items in Attachments will not count towards the character limit. Each Attachment has a maximum size limit of 15Mb.